Back in May, I applied for a seat on Albemarle County's Historic Preservation Committee. I had been feeling a bit disconnected from the pres world since I've been so engrossed in planning, affordable housing, and grants since grad school and work, so I was looking for a way to get back to my historic roots. Not at all to sound vain, but seeing as I was more than qualified (live beating heart and more than a fleeting interest in preservation) I was appointed to the Committee! I attended my first meeting yesterday. I admittedly was apprehensive about adding another government meeting to my plate, but this is for personal pleasure. It did take some getting used to though, I kept feeling like I should be taking minutes and did cringe when staff was asked to gather data before I remembered that for this committee, I am not staff. The main discussion for the evening was demolition, specifically how to know when they happen in rural areas, and how to record them before they are gone. I was mostly quiet, just hearing about the issue and trying to get a feel for the other members (ok, ok...I was silently judging the other members). Next month we're going to form subcommittee to tackle different issues and actions needed. I'll be sure to provide updates!