Exciting news of the day is that my sister is going to have a baby girl! After years of shoot-em up video games, and football, baseball, hockey, wrestling, and body odor, I'm really happy to know that she will soon have someone in her life whom she can watch Lifetime Movie Network with (though with her luck she'll have a tomboy). This actually won't be their first daughter since they have Kaitlin, but since I've known her she's been too big to wear all those cute little pink onesies! Of course now I won't be the one to give my parents their first granddaughter...but such is life. On the plus side assuming she is an early walker she could just be a flower girl! Anyway for those who aren't squeamish or for those who enjoy aliens feel free to enjoy the pics...

So baby in womb technology has come a long way considering that all my mom got was a cassette tape with our heartbeats and all my nanny got was baby kicks! The 3D pics are just so awesome and compared to traditional ones before so much clearer. It's cool that they can do them so much earlier now. I believe the one of Dominic like this was done around 8 mos.

Watching a human life develop is a little creepy...
that little skeltor arm just freaks me out,
but yay for five fingers!

Cute little profile in 2D...boring...

And lastly, here she is confirming for herself that she is a girl...
I don't get it, how is she confirming...and they have a girl? Previous marriage? I so confused...
because she is looking at her vajayjay and yes...danny has a 12 year old kaitlin...you would know this if you came to their wedding...
I WASN'T INVITED....don't hurt me more than i am already hurt.
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