Friday, March 27, 2009

Nella Vita di Ponderings

How do you tell a blind person what blind means? Or a deaf person what it means to be deaf? I was working with a blind individual this morning and it got me thinking. Blind people know that they can't see. But how can they know what 'see' means, and by extension, how can they know what it means to not see?

Other ponderings I've had regarding these populaitons...

What are deaf people's thoughts like? When I think, my thoughts are in my voice, kinda of like I can hear myself in my head. Do deaf people see themselves signing when they think?

Do our brains process colors and such the same way? I've been taught that this is red. Maybe you have been taught that what is blue to me is red to you. We both know the sky is blue, but maybe we all see blue differently. We would never know this either unless we were somehow able to process things and see things the way each other's brains do.

Clearly I am losing my mind at work...

1 comment:

Jonelle said...

No, those are some really interesting points. Have you ever seen "Mask"? There is a scene where the main character is trying to teach his blind girlfriend colors by feeling them, like hot is red.