Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nella Vita di Costing Walmart, Saving Locals

As a lover of preservation, the earth, doing the right thing, and not condemning us all to hell, I must admit that I have committed certain sins. It has been two months since last visiting a historic site and I have had impure thoughts about a cul-de-sac. Joking aside, I have, and will continue to, shopped at chain stores including the death star of chain stores, he-who-must-not-be-named, the rose-bud of Satan's childhood: Wal-Mart. Yes, I just can't resist their cheap prices, plethora of supplies, and the golden opportunities to build my self esteem by simply be observing the so-called 'people' who shop there (myself excluded of course). I would much rather shop local independent stores, but pricing and availability makes it difficult sometimes. But I've found there are some things I can do to make an impact, albeit small. First, I always pay with plastice. Every time I swipe, Wal-Mart pays for that transaction. While normally I eschew plastic bags, I like to bag each item individually at Wal-Mart because they have to pay for those bags. Plus I get the added satisfaction of reusing Wal-Mart bags as litterbox liners and pooper-scoopers. Transversely, when I'm shopping at a local store or my favorite third place near work, I always try to pay cash so there is more profit for mom and pop. Plus I never use a bag and try to limit using plastic ware because they have to pay for those. Now in no ways am I naïve enough to think that my actions will really make a difference, but at the very least they assuage some of my chain store shopping guilt.


Unknown said...

excuses excuses...stop shopping there!

Kaitlin said...

i'm with eric. i cannot be in agreement of walmart shopping! (but we all pick our battles, right?)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Eric and Kaitlin. I have also price checked on some items finding them cheaper elsewhere. I believe a well known tabloid even did a shopping cart comparison and found Target stores to be less expensive (though they are still a shitty chain). I only shop at either of those stores if there is something I absolutely need and cannot get at another store (due to time or unavailability). The people of Walmart cause me to loose faith in the future of humanity.